Thursday, July 2, 2009


73 Years ago on the 4th. of July Millie and Siggy tied the knot.....That would be the Folks and as Millie would always love to say....
"We got married on the 4th of July and there have been fireworks ever since"
Ofcourse she didn't mean that in a good way....
But you would never know that by these pictures.....
I think you will agree that they were quite the handsome couple back in 1936.....
They were known around town as the George Burns and Gracie Allen of Rahway.....
My father said very little and smoked a big cigar....
My mother.....well, was Gracie Allen's twin sister....
All my high school friends even called her Gracie...
She more often then not said and did things that just made you say...."What?"
And he was her straight man...
Every time she would see this picture she would comment that the flowers she was carrying looked like the bush was pulled right out of the ground......
Did she save that beautiful dress.......just incase maybe she had a daughter.....ofcourse not...
She cut it up and made a Christening dress for her niece....
There were years of complaints that Grammy gave her only $2.00 for wedding shoes and she could barely walk in them because they hurt so bad......
Oh....Wonderful wedding memories.....
And people wonder where I get my complaining "skills" from!!

Millie also complained that they never went anywhere.....Every time I turned around they were dressed up and ready to go partying with friends and neighbors....
Here they are in the 1950's getting ready to go to a dinner dance as a benefit for the hospital where our next door neighbor was a physician.....This was a yearly big event.....
They took trips all the time even though Siggy had a modest income....he made the most of it and we always had a nice new car...preferably a Chevy Impala.....burgundy please.....
We went on lots of trips as kids but once I became a teen and could stay home by myself they kicked up the traveling into high gear...... Thanks Guys.....

They went on more cruises then the cast of The Love Boat!!
Here they are dis-embarking from their favorite ship the Homeric....
Dad loved Robert Mitchum movies and this picture of him always reminded me of Mitchums character in "Cape Fear".... I think it's the hat.
The couple in front were their travel companions and the parents of my sister-in-law Carol.
Isn't it great when the in-laws get along so well that they can vacation together....
Mom and Dad must have gone on over a dozen cruises over the years....
But to hear Millie talk they never left Rahway....

Let's discuss the trips to Hawaii.....Lost count on that front.....
Here they are back in 1983 on a layover at San Francisco airport.....
See that gold sweater on the Siggy....It was more like a body tattoo...
Maybe it was his lucky flying sweater but he wore it every time they took a trip...
Then ofcourse let's not forget "Vegas".....
Millie got into a shouting match with Jerry Vale at Caesar's Palace and while going up the escalator at Las Vegas airport she spotted Rodney Dangerfield coming down the other side..
Having no shame she managed to yell over at him that she too "Got no Respect"
Another trip to the Big Island......or where ever the hell "Diamond Head" is....
They talked about those trips for years and how you could see the mountain from their hotel room....
and no matter where they traveled my mother would always and I mean always run into someone she knew.....
In the lobby of the hotel in Hawaii she saw a friend of mine who was there on his honeymoon...
she even saw someone in Spain that she knew.....
And let's discuss Spain......
They vacationed there at a condo for a month.....which was really cool....and then one day in the mail I get a postcard that simply said....

"Today we took the Bus to Africa".......

I still shake my head just thinking about that one.......I told you she was just like Gracie Allen...

Another cruise.....a dashing looking couple....
My mother was like me.....or I guess I'm just like her....She would talk to just about anybody that looked at her crooked so she was in all her glory for seven days on the high seas with nothing but strangers to meet...
Here they are on their 50th...
just taking it easy in Fort Lauderdale...

And here is the last picture I have of them together.....It was my nephews wedding and Dad passed away just four months later.....This was the last time I saw him..I have to say my biggest regret in my. life was at this wedding. The band played "Daddy's Little Girl" while the bride danced with her father. Siggy wanted me to get up and dance and I thought it was inappropriate at the time since it was the "brides dance" I said no and then later found out he paid the band $10.00 to play it for me....That still haunts me since I never saw him again.......But I have to say that he had a ball dancing with all the other ladies including daughter who was 17 at the time....She adored him.

Oh...I didn't mention...they were terrific dancers...On Saturday nights the stereo would get turned up and the rugs rolled back and the dancing began....
I owe my love of Big Band music to my father....

One of my favorite pictures....we call this
"Weekend at Bernies".....

Siggy passed away in 1994........ his ashes were scattered over Barnaget Bay on Long Beach Island.....Millie died in 2002 and her ashes were also scattered off the lighthouse.....I like to think that Dad had atleast 8 years of peace and quite.......

Happy Anniversary Millie and Sig and I'm sure they are back together bickering everyday and loving every minute of it!
And Please.....No comments like.....
"The Nut doesn't fall far from the tree"................


Mari @ Once Upon a Plate said...

Sue, word fail me... Such a touching tribute to your wonderful parents.

I've experienced a mix of tears and laughter all the way through your commentary of their lives.

Very nice! Sweet, sweet memories. It's quite apparent where you got your supreme sense of humor. :)

Thank you for sharing. xo ~m.

Eli said...

Sue, I think that this is one of your best posts. Probably THE BEST.
You touched me so much. Pictures are so lovely and your words are a great mix of sense of humor and immense love for your parents. I'm so happy to be able to read you. Kisses. Eli

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Sue, that is a precious tribute to your parents. What wonderful memories you have! Our parents were certainly the greatest generation. Thank you for sharing with us! Linda

Jewel Sauls said...

That is such a moving tribute to your parents and their marriage. Still laughing about the Bus to Africa even though I am tearing up! Thanks for sharing such sweet memories! :D Jewel

Ciao Chow Linda said...

I was moved by your lovely tribute to your parents. What a fun and fun-loving couple they seemed to have been. Beautiful post Sue.

Salmagundi said...

That is your greatest post!!! It gives us such an insight as to how your sense of humor developed. Love it! Love it! What a wonderful life they had - I'm sure they had no regrets. Have a great 4th. Sally

Daryl said...

Okay ..its DISembarking when you leave a boat ... and your mother like mine,as the saying goes, never met a stranger!

And these photos and your words would have made them smile ... xo

Linda Lou said...

What a life your parents sweet is this post...they seemed to have a had a ball until the end...My dad died at 51 and Mom at 64, it would have been lovely to have my 17 year old daughter even meet her grandfather...thanks for sharing your photos and feelings about this special couple!

Anonymous said...

Such a joy to see someone who honors their parents.

Joan (Mrs. Rodney) Dangerfield

Sue said...

Dear Mrs. Dangerfield....Your husband was admired greatly in this home for his great comedic talent...I can't tell you how many times we have seen "Easy Money" has to be the funniest movie ever made...We are always quoting all his lines from that movie....A great talent and certainly missed...He was kind when my mother yelled over at him in Vegas and he gave her a big thumbs up.....Thank you for your comment and for such a lovely man.........Sue Adivari

Joan said...

A beautiful, beautiful post... what a grand tribute to your parents.

Lylah Ledner said...

Very precious tribute to hearts that commit to the vow....loved the sharing...thanks!

Donna said...

What a beautiful tribute to tour parents, Sue! Lovely photos and wonderful memories.

Have a great weekend!

KBeau said...

What a great tribute. They sound so much like my parents that it's scary. All those trips with the Bridge Club. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall.

Susie Q said...

Wow Sue...I am sitting here giggling and crying...and thinking how much I would have loved to meet them. Tears and laughter mixed together are the best and
there is nothing like a long and happy marriage. Your folks had it all...and even had a loving family to boot. Nothing better.
This was a sweet tribute, so loving and yes. We can see where your delicious sense of humor came from.

i will be thinking of them, of you and of those shoes that pinched all day!

And we are huge Rodney fans here too!
He was one of the best....

Love and hugs my friend,

santamaker said...

Sue, I enjoyed catching up on your posts. Your tribute to your parents was so sweet and enjoyed looking at your patriotic tablesetting. Hope you have a great 4th!
I have been taking a blogging break..don't know why, just haven't been compelled to post recently... but I still check everyone's blogs.
What in the world do you think Danielle did to that poor Dina to cause such a rocuss?!? Trying to find out.

Unknown said...

Such a lovely tribute to your parents, Sue. Thank you for sharing your wonderful stories about your fabulous parents.

Wishing you and your loved ones a very happy and safe 4th of July.


Ellen said...

What a wonderful tribute to your parents. They certainly look like fun people to be around. And boy, does you dad look like John Mahoney from Frasier!

Marriage Counselor said...

Your blog is really nice and works as an adviser. Good reminder about get some advice from an independent source. The reasons behind why a marriage collapse are because of broken trust, boredom, infidelity, poor communication, lack of appreciation, addictive behavior, emotional abuse, absence of sex and no affection. So if you compromise with these issue you can make your marriage a successful one.

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hi Sue,
I would have loved to known your parents! They seem fun, interesting and fabulous! Beautiful tribute, they would be so proud! Cindy

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Sure looks like they enjoyed a great adventure with each other -- what fun they must have been! Enjoyed your pictures and memories!

Lisa Pogue said...

Okay, I've lied to you before. THIS is my favorite post that YOU have ever done!!!! AWESOME!!!!!

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

Well, this Siggy just loved this post! And while the last picture is bitter sweet, I lovvveee how happy he is in it!

Thanks for sharing your sweet memories of your Siggy. :-)

Nouveau Stitch said...

You're lucky to have such a complete record of their union and also to have the full back story. Great job recounting it for all of us and for their heirs to come. An awesome post!


Unknown said...

WOW - I know that I have seen several of this pictures before - I loved these two people and were such a part of my growing up in Rahway with one of my best friends ever - Suzanne! I could write and go one for hours about great moments surrounded around these people.
Memories are sweet - and so were these people!
In my heart, as always, Janice

Come Away With Me said...

This is special! Thanks for sharing your parents' story with us...what a pair! Sounds like they were the life of the party and lots of fun, making friends wherever they went.

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

That was so lovely seeing your parents growing young together. What a wonderful life they much fun and love. Now I know why you have such a zest for life! What a lovely tribute to two very special people. :-)

Mimi Sue said...

What a great anniversary! Loved all the pics of your mom and dad. They sound like fun people. I have a daughter in law from the Bronx and her parents are somewhat similar. Her mom is Italian her dad Irish. She has great stories of her childhood. LOVE that pitcher your daughter gave you. So perfect for this time of the year. Hope you had a great 4th. Thanks for sharing your parents with us. Mimi

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

We are over 200 miles from Kenosha on the Western side of Wisconsin. Between Lacrosse and Eau Claire, its very hilly and lots of big woods! Have a great week! Cindy

Rue said...

This is a fabulous post. My favorite is Weekend at Bernie's (though the bus to Africa is a close second!) :)

black eyed susans kitchen said...

This was one of the most wonderful tributes that I have ever read. Your parents sound a lot like my parents and were great role models in teaching us how to have fun while we lived our lives. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. thank you for sharing.
♥, Susan

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I had to come back to read this tribute Sue. I saw it the other day but I was about to run out for an appointment and couldn't comment.

Your parents had such a full and happy life! What wonderful photos!
I really hope that your print this out for Miss Sophie to read when she's old enough someday!

I wonder how our children will remember us someday in the future?

supplies overflowing! said...

I haven't been here in a very long time, and I guess this was meant to be, that I stopped in today...
I have been helping my mother this week, getting her home prepared for company (some will be spending the night.) August 6th marks the one year anniversary of my father's death so there will be special prayers for him in church tomorrow, Aug. 2, followed by a meal at my folk's house.
I wrote a similar post in March, titled "Milestones", maybe you would like to take a look.
I read this and wished I could have known your folks. You wrote so beautifully, however, that I could almost hear your mother speak- and you and she made me laugh.
I really needed to see this today. I was exhausted when I sat here at the computer, I feel so much better now.
Thanks for a lovely post. Your parents probably would have loved it. I wonder what your mom would say about it?

Peg said...

This one is my favorite! I love your parents after reading it. They were a wonderful couple and I bet they were so proud of you!

Jojo said...

Such a beautiful story of a wonderful life together-and it sounds as if they lived it to the fullest. Happy anniversary to your parents.

Salmagundi said...

Like every one else, I love this post from the past! How could you not have that great sense of humor of yours when you grew up in that household? How lucky for you -- I don't ever remember my parents having a very good time together. So Sophie is shopping for a new step-father. Is she interviewing applicants yet? I bet she will have plenty to say when the time comes. Have a great 4th! Sally

Janice Feldman said...

Oh Suz - I remember your parents so well - great and fun memories. This brings tears to my eyes remembering them, good times, and the friendship you brought and continue to touch my life with. You put a twinkle in many eyes by your efforts and goodness will continue to shine on you.
Of course every time I think of my dear pet Ziggy, I think of your father for I named him after your Dad!
Your daughter and sweet "Ms. B" will always remember all the special things you do for them and all. You truly are gifted and special.
Love and Kisses, as always, Janice