Wednesday, June 24, 2009


The Chickens ofcourse!!
I'm joining in the fun today with our Host Susan of
or as she is better known the "Entertaining Diva of the South"
and her Tablescape event that I love to participate in....Yesterday was my dear friend and neighbor of 26 years Necie's birthday and for her very special day......and I don't know why she insists on having one every year.....I thought it would be fun to have a "girly luncheon" for her and some friends and relatives.....We usually take her out for lunch but I thought this would be something different and I think everyone enjoyed themselves.....
But back to the Chickens because it all started with the Chickens...
While perusing the Walmart one night on one of our late night "RedBox" runs I stumbled into the gardening section....I think the Boss needed a new thingie to hang up his garden hose....
There I spied on a bottom shelf big wooden chickens......There were bright yellow ones and green ones...So I bought one....Made by "Better Homes and Gardens" home decor line they were a bargain for the quality....big and Heavy!!
The next day Miss Necie called me over to the house to see a new tablecloth and napkins that she got at the Williams Sonoma.....Everyone Loves the Williams Sonoma and Frenchy looking stuff.....
Bingo......I immediately thought that a big yellow chicken would go perfect on her table.....
So back over to the Mart and luckily they had another.....perfect birthday gift for Miss "D" along with some other wacky stuff I got her.....Including a book about Southern Women hosting the perfect funeral.....believe me it's a Southern thing and she got the joke....
So while waiting for the big luncheon day to arrive I put both chickens...hers and mine on the Dining Room table and I stepped back.....How cute these two looked together.....and then the brainstorm hit.....I can buy a "Gaggle" of these chickens and place them around the house .....much like the "Roaming Gnome".....
We now had to now engage in the "Cobb County Tour of Walmart" stores in order to find more of these chickens......At store number an odd part of town we came across three.....two yellow and a red....The Boss insisted on buying all three so now I have my gaggle and the red one is ofcourse the one in charge.....

Adding a very simple wildflower looking plant to the table we were ready to party...or atleast eat alot....One problem....I'm an ashamed blogger....I forgot to take a picture of the food....
On the menu was
French Onion Soup....Southern Style.....that would be made with Vidalia Onions!
Three cheese Quiche with ham
a side salad with...ofcourse Italian dressing....
My homemade Rosemary Lemon bread....yes, that damn bread that I'm always talking about...
and ofcourse dessert which were three types of Cream Puffs...

Here is the Birthday Necie with her Mom Claudine and her sister-in-law Carn...

Here are the ladies again with niece Hannah

Opening gifts....reading Birthday Wishes....

There's her Chicken....I hope she gives it a good home...

How cute is this?

My signature dessert is cream puffs and this time I made three different fillings....There was Banana Cream.......Orange Creamsicle....and ofcourse Pistachio
Real Whipped Cream....No Cool Whip used in this house!

The hands down favorite......everyone agreed that the Pistachio are the best.....

Friends........26 years and counting

I have never seen seven women drink so much stuff.....raspberry zinger iced tea....regular iced tea.....lemonade.....Coke....gallons of this stuff.....Now it was in the 90's outside but inside it was a cool 70 degrees....But this brings me to the above picture....
Let me first say Sorry to the ladies...........for "Him".
Boo's favorite spot is right were you see him....there's an air conditioning vent right by his belly...
The ladies had to step over the dog to use the bathroom because he refused to get out.....
And when you drink that much stuff.....well you gotta go....Sorry Helen..
Now don't feel too bad for them because he sleeps there every night and if I have to get up during the night to use the bathroom......... try stepping over that while your half asleep....
With all the dishes done and the plates put away the table was back to it's normal state....I'm hoping all the ladies had a fun time and a "Special Thank You" to my friend
Helen for always bringing me something special....
She added a piece to my Milkglass Collection and she is one of the most thoughtful people I have ever known..........

Happy Birthday Necie..


Nouveau Stitch said...

What a lucky friend and neighbor your Necie is! The chickens make me want to run to the nearest WM and have a look around. We'll take a couple of points off for lack of food pics, although you did get the bread and desserts to make an appearance. You also get bonus points for not mentioning Necie's age {like a perfect Southern lady}. Fun luncheon and beautiful table!


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Love your chickens. They are so cute. I didn't see those at Wm, but I don't think I went to the garden section. So glad your found a gaggle. lol YOur table looked gorgeous and what a really fun get together with precious friends. I'm sure she had a marvelous time. Hugs, Marty

Kathleen Grace said...

You set a pretty table Sue, and I love those chickens! The cream puffs have me wondering what I have around here that is sweet. Ugh! Now I want to eat:>P

Salmagundi said...

Where is a picture of the red one? I want a red one!!! Now, I only go to Walmart once a month because I have to. And guess what - I went tonight - just 1 hour before I read this post. I'll have to go back now tomorrow to find a red rooster. See what you do to me!!! You'll be surprised to know that I actually make cream puffs - several different kinds with pudding or ice cream and chocolate sauce. Sounds good - guess I'll buy ingredients when I go to Walmart!!!! Take care, Sally

Come Away With Me said...

Cream puffs! My favorite dessert...or one of them anyway.

What a fun hostess you are, and a good friend too. Happy Birthday to Necie.

I love the chickens.


Mabry's Gamma said...

I am guessing that this is the "Denise" that I might meet with you one day soon? Tell her I said, "HAPPY B-DAY!" I LOVE your chickens! You are a great hostess, wish my B-day was coming up.


Kammy said...

Such a fun post ! You ladies know how to party ! The dog pic is so cute and he was soooo lazy, LOL !
I love your new chickens and all your other table settings !
Hugs ~ Kammy

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

Your party looks so fun! Love the chickens and the way you've put the whole scape together... Necie must have been so pleased... Your a good friend indeed , xoxo~Kathy@ Sweet up-north Mornings...

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

I enjoyed reading and seeing this, gave me a chuckle! Now I want to go to Walmart and look for a yellow chicken!

Those cream puffs are to die for!

I just returned from vacation and can't get going on doing a tablescape this week!


The Tablescaper said...

Sounds like great fun and if you've got to step over a dog to go, what a beautiful one at that. Now how do I get that bread recipe? - The Tablescaper

Michelle @ Sweet Something Design said...

Looks like you guys had fun!! Your table is beautiful and your writing made me laugh! Happy TT!

Printersdevil said...

I laughed so hard after reading about your dog that I had to run to the bathroom. Too much tea after dinner.

You are a wonderful friend to do all of this.

Your table was so much fun and the dessert was to die for.

Cathy~Mille Fleur said...

Your chickens are too cute!!! Ya'll look like you are having a wonderful time!!! Such a pretty table!!! Thanks for sharing this!!!

Happy Tablescape Thursday!!!

Unknown said...

Cute tablescape and celebration!
Have a good rest of the week!
~Really Rainey~

Unknown said...

The table looks so lovely and cheery! I love the roosters! So happy to hear you got your gaggle and the boss. Looked like such a fun b-day celebration!

Thanks for sharing!


Cathy said...

What a lovely birthday party for your friend. And your tablescape is beautiful, as always, Sue.

Love those chickens.

Alicia said...

Absolutely love the chickens! It is amazing what you can find in the garden section of a store. Lots of good stuff. I totally get the southern funeral thing. I would love to have the title of that book. One of my friends and I have commented at more than one funeral that there needs to be such a book for the south! Thanks for sharing.

Salmagundi said...

Me again! To answer your question - I'm not in that picture - it is just Bob and his cousins, mother & uncle. The reunion is always about the cousins and their experiences growing up. All of us inlaws are just the photographers!! Enjoy your weekend. Sally

BumbleVee said...

well!! good bread always deserves to be front and center in my mind.... it trumps desserts......

Daryl said...

Love your chickens .. dont put all their eggs in one basket ... and Happy (belated) Birthday to Necie!

Brenda Pruitt said...

I wish I could find those chickens are ours! Great find!

Anonymous said...

Chickens and creme puffs? Died and gone to that big Southern heaven. Just look at sweet Boo, oh my. It looks as if you had a smashing time. Everyone looks happy with no alcoholic beverages! By the way, I love you.(in a sisterly way, of course) You stay in bed in the morning with the air conditioning. Sometimes I extend it into the afternoon if necessary.

Sue said...

What a fun party for your cherised neighbor's niece. I'm really digging the chickens. Fun hearing about your stalking of the Walmarts.

Barb said...

Sue, your table is lovely....I especially love the centerpiece.


Missy Wertz said...

I used to have a shih tzu named Boo Boo. When we could not find Mr. Boo, we could look in the bathroom and he would be on an air conditioning vent, asleep.

Looks like a wonderful party and a lovely tablescape.

Jadehollow said...

Love the Chickens.. I've seen ducks simular but not the chickens. Gotta go hunting at walmart lol.
Happy Thursday.

Chandy said...

Your table is so fun and what a great table to celebrate a great birthday of a great friend!

The chickens are adorable!

Missy Wertz said...

Sue, I have a D-200 (I use for work) that I bought when they first came out and D-300. At one time, Pros simply bought several cameras of the same make and model. Get them overhauled or get rid of them when they wear out. Now days, with digital, you just collect them. Some lower end digitals that my DH had, he as sold, except for the D50, which I have no clue how to us. Our next camera will be the D700 or D3. And we just keep collecting!

As a pro, you rarely go into a job with less than 4 cameras. Murphy's Law. When I shot film, I never went to a wedding with less than 6 cameras. I used 4. 2 would always be in the car for back-up. Commercial shoot, Dance School whatever, I always take 4 cameras.

Salmagundi said...

Checked out Miss B's new dress - adorable. Knew it would be when I saw a glimpse of it on Ellen's blog. I can't get to W-mart to check on the chickens - grandkids are here today and they are wild, wild, and more wild. They are in the sprinkler right now and fighting over the water pistols. Gotta go. Sally

Joyce said...

Happy birthday to your neighbor. So sweet of you to make a luncheon at your home. Cute chickens. The food sounded great and once again that bread is so amazing. I could go for one of each flavor cream puffs right now. I had to laugh at your dog sleeping in the bathroom on the A/C vent. One smart dog:)

honeysuckle said...

What a nice neighbor and friend you are! I hope you both enjoy those chickens!

Mary said...

Very nice!

Necie said...

Thank you Suzanne for a wonderful birthday celebration. Complete with the person responsible for it all...thanks Mom!!! The food was wonderful and we laughed from the time we arrived until we left.

The chicken looks right at home with the new tablecloth. Makes me smile every time I walk into the room.

The book title is BEING DEAD IS NO EXCUSE by Gayden Metcalfe and Charlotte Hayes. You can learn a lot about a society by it's death rituals and the ability to laugh about those rituals. I don't recommend reading this in a library. You may be asked to leave when you start laughing.

Kathleen said...

What a fun table! And it looks like you had a great luncheon
Those chickens are hysterical!

Alicia said...

Thank you for the book title. You should have heard my hubby when he read your reply on my blog. I had to explain the whole thing to him after which he said, "ohhhh". Men just don't get it sometimes. ;)

Deb said...

looks as though a fun time was had by all! I want the cream puffs and the chickens!!!

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Good morning Sue!

How wonderful to have such a great friend and neighbor....actually, both of you are, aren't you!!?? I wish I'd been there for that yummy lunch....and the desserts?? YUM! I loved the story of your WalMart run...and the names of your chicks. When my daughter was little she had four chickens...Henny Penny, Big Bird, and the Pilanski Twins... :-) Those were the BEST eggs ever.


Lisa Pogue said...

I had to laugh at that picture of your doggie. he just looks like he's having a hangover and MUST sleep on the bathroom floor.

Susie Q said...

Happy birthday to Necie!! How lucky you both are top have such a wonderful and long friendship!
What a special and lovely celebration! You are the best at this!
Oooh how I love those chickens! : )

Boo is so darned adorable ho could anyone mind him being there! A dog has to stay cool ya know!
