Monday, April 6, 2009

MENOPAUSE MONDAY..........And Some "Amazing Bargains"

Most of us are in the same boat.....suffering from "Menopause Mondays".......
those of you who haven't hit this milestone really have something to look forward to...
I've been e-mailing my friend Cheri lately and discussing this phenomenon and although she thinks she's suffering from Alzheimer's I'm a bit more optimistic and I'm just suffering the weirdness of the big "M"...
Yesterday while making room in the fridge for the grocery order I came across a little container....right up front....I open...I inspect....I'm so confused......It's not gone moldy...that means that it's something I have made recently.....not that I keep things in the fridge so long that they turn into a science experiment......Well.....maybe on occasion....No...... this was new.....I couldn't for the life of me identify it......Nothing.....I had nothing.....A true senior moment....gee, I wonder what it tastes like......I don't want to know that went right down the disposal...
Then the mail came.....see the above envelope....The Food Network's a brand new publication and I'm a magazine junkie........ In the second issue I ordered up a subscription for me and daughter.....that was the February/March issue....
See what that envelope says...."Renewal Confirmation enclosed"......Come on Food Network give me a little Menopause Relief......Don't make me think it's time to renew my subscription when you haven't even sent me my first issue of the first subscription yet......
I'm easily confused when I suffer from hot flashes....
Then to make Monday might remember that awhile back in the middle of the night the "BooDog".....decided to run in the Kentucky Derby.....and I was the Jockey....after hearing something moving in our bushes he took off with me holding the other end of the leash.....I know....the Boss said "Why didn't you let go".....when you know your going down you tend to hold on to a split second I was halfway over the finial end of our banister....Finial embedded in right rib.....Thank goodness it wasn't some sort of wrought-iron...Anyhoo, a few days pass and my toes start to hurt.....I mentioned to husband that my toe felt broke.....He said....."it can't would have said something the night you's probably the gout".....Nobody wants the just sounds gross.....So I hobble around for weeks and weeks.....He makes me stop drinking my beloved "Iced tea-with lemon-and lots and lots of ice"....for fear that the acid in the tea is what gave me the dreaded "G" word......
I wake up this Menopause Monday....covers from the bed thrown all over the floor.....I swear it had to be over 100 degrees in the bedroom last night.....and I'm just feeling generally crappy....I call the Doc and get an appointment for 12:30.....I want to get the finger checked out from the staph infection and while there I mentioned the painful toes....
He sends me for an X-Ray thinking it's a bit of arthritis.......
I go hour later I get a call......
Broken Toe.....
Does this crazy thing called Menopause really cause you to forget major things like breaking your toe.....Like the Boss said I made no mention for days after falling that the toes hurt....
No recollection of hitting.....banging....or stubbing the foot.....
Maybe Cheri is right.......a little touch of Alzheimer's setting in......
And now for our
"Amazing Bargains"
If you don't know what the Amazing Bargains are read the last post......
Here is the coveted green bookcase......back together in one piece....
Doesn't the milk glass look pretty against the green...
$119.00........regular $600.00

milk glass collection from the daughter and the husband....

A Spode platter from Williams Sonoma.....
Marked $110.00..........on sale 30 bucks!!

Crocs had a Grand Opening and I scored these adorable Crocs for Miss B.....
$4.99 a pair.

See this wacky little cabinet.....the Boss loves these wacky little cabinets...It's solid wood and went together like a puzzle.....The long piece on top was purchased at a different time.....They are all meant to sit on top of things.....but that doesn't matter to the husband...he always finds some crap to display on them.....not the pictures of the daughter or the dog....all the other crap.....
This was also $100.

A previous purchase.....a solid wood file cabinet....this beauty was only $39.00
and as you can see on top more "Military" stuff.....

And just incase your wondering the Boss is a World War Two Junkie.....
he collects and sells on E-Bay Military miniatures such as these little "men"
and buildings and tanks and such.....Yes, Ladies....there is a huge market for this
I do have to admit I really am found of this replica of the church from
St. Mere Aglise in France.....this is the church on D-Day where the soldiers landed and some got stuck up on the church steeple....It's a famous moment in history....
I helped paint the church to look more realistic......

So ofcourse a little parachute guy had to be hung from the steeple......
So the Boss may love to shop and you all may think this is a fabulous husband trait but he plays with toy soldiers......So it's a wash.......................


Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Sue...I don't think I've been forgetful...but then I would forget that I have forgotten, wouldn't I?? lol Love the bookcase and all of the milk glass! Have a great week!...hugs...Debbie

dawn said...

oh thank GAWD! i thought i was the only one. i actually jumped with joy today when i finally got my period after three months of not having one and feeling like the stay puff marshmallow girl. this menopause crap? it can kiss my bloated butt....

thanks for making me laugh today :)

Susie Q said...

Oh do I love the green cabinet and all of that gorgeous milk glass....and the military dirmams...or is that what they are ccalled? What do I know. Bill would be seriously lost in those for days...gotta love that paratrooper caught in the church steeple.
Menopause is a &*^%$*. I thought I was done after 13 months with nothing then, uh oh. What? Sheesh!
Now it is back to nothing again and my memory? It is as cold as my body is hot. Dang. I always wnated to be a real hot mama but this is NOT what I meant!

I am so sorry about the foot, the side, the finger...was there anything else?? I am feeling your pain on the infection. I decided to suffer with you and develop one on my foot. See? friends ahre everything! *laugh*

You always make me laugh and that is a true gift.


Jewel Sauls said...

Love your milk glass against the green. DH is a military junkie too. Does the parachute guy on St. Mary's Church look like Red Buttons? We have to watch that movie every June 6th. Even my daughter's love that one.
DH made a huge Civil War diorama, luckily it is on display at our local museum, not my house!!!! I feel your pain! :D Jewel

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Sue, I love the WWII stuff. My husband and I are nuts about that time in history. We were able to visit St. Mère Eglise on one of our trips to France and we loved it. We had seen it so many times in the old film "The Longest Day" -I'm sure your husband has seen it!

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hi Sue,
This menopause thing sure sucks! I think I have every know symptom there is. Hope your foot is doing better and thanks for sharing about this sucky condition we woman go through. Cindy

Donna said...

Hi Sue,
I love the green cabinet and milk glass!

Menopause.....hmmmmm, what can I say!

Have a great week!

La Table De Nana said...

You crcaked me up..

On the other hand.. pardon the pun..I am glad you had your foot checked out..!

Those magazine renewals floor me too.

KBeau said...

The green cabinet is perfect for your milk glass. Remember that the Big M will pass. Mine did. My hubby buys stuff and then never uses it or wears it (if it's clothes).

Anonymous said...

Thank you for stopping by.I love your blog.I must visit more often,you are a hoot,dear.And yes,we do get temporary alheimers.Can't remember frustrating and if everything doesn't hurt will.How's this for brightening your morning?ha...ANn

Cathy said...

Your milkglass collection is beautiful in your new green cabinets. And I love the little crocs. I have a pair of bright yellow ones that I wear all the time.

You're a great bargain hunter, Sue.

Daryl said...

Oh what a wonderful post .. yup, its a wash ...

Come Away With Me said...

My DH plays with trains, so you are not alone!

Gosh, I hope your life calms down soon....all that menopausal mayhem makes for a delicious story (and funny too) but I know it's not so delicious or funny while living it. Take heart, the sensation of 100 degree nighttimes will fade...eventually!

a quiet life said...

true to form you make me HOWL! or did i tell you this already...? i so fear the big A too, surely there is something more wrong with the sieve i call a brain now... it is just parboiled i tell myself with all the hot flashes, but still not comforting! i finally understand all those stupid cliches like getting to the airport and wondering if you turned the oven off~

anyhow did i tell you you are a scream and make me howl?! cute new amazing race door prizes too.

if you didn't know you broke your toe, you won't know when you are healed... thats a good thing!

have a great weekend and thanks for the howls, did i tell you that already?

someone just tell me, when do we get out brain back, ever?

Cheri said...


As always you make me laugh.

Sorry to hear about your broken toe and I hope you are feeling better soon. I guess The Boss will have to get his own meals now...dreaming...right? I get bruises alot and my hubby will ask how that happened. How the heck do I know...remember I have Azlheimers. LOL


Lisa Pogue said...

Goodness, you sure did cover a lot of ground on this post!! I love it!!

Joyce said...

What a wonderful milk glass collection from your daughter and SIL. The only thing my daughter gives me and her SIL is agada! Great find on the sweet little crocs. Crocs may be good for your toe right now. Think you should buy a pair of crocs in Army green for hubby. Hoorah!

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Oh, Sue...I feel bad for your foot! I broke a toe once and man did it hurt. They said there was nothing to do...can't put a cast on a toe. LOL It took quite a while but it did finally heal. Hope yours is feeling much better very soon! Susan

Mari @ Once Upon a Plate said...

Sue, as CRACK me up!!

Love your collections, and great bargains ~ thank you for sharing them. xo~m.

nikkicrumpet said...

I haven't hit Menopause yet...but I'm definitely experiencing the warm up and getting hints of things to come. What used to be my cute little "blond moments" that my husband found charming...are now being referred to by him as my "senior moments". hmmmm some how that doesn't seem so cute!

BumbleVee said...

I somehow ended up with 5 fractures in one foot....doing some tile work.... just got painful a few days later...I -rays..nobody saw anything.... and finally after months of hobbling and insisting to my doctors it was broken, I went instead to a sports clinic where the doc did a bone scan... broken. Cast, limping..wrecked back.. and two years later... I still have trouble with that foot. Osteoporosis.... getting old sucks.

Hey..I'm still scrolling backwards through postings...can't find the breads yet.......where are they hiding anyway? ...I'll keep scrolling..